Adverbs of Manner in English! What is an adverb of manner? Learn the definition and useful rules of adverbs manners, ways of forming adverbs from adjectives with examples and ESL printable infographic.
Adverb of Manner | Definition & Examples
What are Adverbs of Manner?
An adverb of manner is an adverb (such as quickly or slowly) that describes how and in what way the action of a verb is carried out. Most adverbs of manner end in –ly such as badly, happily, sadly, slowly, quickly, and others that include well, hard and fast.
Adverbs of manner most often appear after a verb or at the end of a verb phrase.
- The brothers were badly injured in the fight.
- They had to act fast to save the others floating on the water.
- At the advanced age of 90, she still sang very well.
Forming Adverbs of Manner from Adjectives | Rules
Here are some guidelines on forming adverbs from adjectives:
Adverbs of Manner Rule #1
In a large number of the cases, the adverb can be formed by simply adding ‘-ly’ to the adjective.
Cheap | Cheaply |
Quick | Quickly |
Strong | Strongly |
Sudden | Suddenly |
Special | Specially |
- They found a way to make clothes more cheaply.
- Many locals are strongly opposed to the development.
- I suddenly realized what I’d said, but it was too late.
- This is a specially good wine.
Adverbs of Manner Rule #2
If the adjective ends in with ‘y’, replace the ‘y’ with an ‘i’ and add ‘-ly’.
Ready | Readily |
Merry | Merrily |
Easy | Easily |
Crazy | Crazily?? |
Happy | Happily |
Lazy | Lazily |
Hungry | Hungrily |
- He readily agreed to help.
- Her eyes sparkled merrily.
- I can easily be home early tonight if you want.
- She munched happily on her chocolate bar.
- Palm trees swayed lazily in the soft breeze.
- They sat down and ate hungrily.
Adverbs of Manner Rule #3
If the adjective ends with ‘-le’, replace the ‘e’ at the end with ‘y’.
Understandable | Understandably |
Forcible | Forcibly |
Possible | Possibly |
Terrible | Terribly |
Comfortable | Comfortably |
- He is understandably reluctant to talk about his medical history.
- Several rioters were forcibly removed from the town square.
- He may possibly decide not to come, in which case there’s no problem.
- I slept terribly last night.
- Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin.
Adverbs of Manner Rule #4
If the adjective ends with ‘-ic’, add ‘-ally’.
Idiotic | Idiotically |
Tragic | Tragically |
Basic | Basically |
Ironic | Ironically |
Realistic | Realistically |
Enthusiastic | Enthusiastically |
An exception to this rule is ‘public’, whose adverbial form is ‘publicly’.
- Tragically, the side effects of the drug were not discovered until many people had been seriously hurt by it.
- The two cars are basically the same.
- Realistically speaking, he hadn’t a hope, but that didn’t stop him trying.
- She was welcomed enthusiastically by the crowd.
Adverbs of Manner Rule #5
Some adjectives do not change form at all.
Fast | Fast |
Straight | Straight |
Hard | Hard |
High | High |
Late | Late |
Wrong | Wrong |
- You’ll have to act fast.
- I got home and went straight to bed.
- I’m not surprised he failed his exam – he didn’t exactly try very hard!
- You’ll have to hit the ball quite high to get it over that net.
- Kathryn’s just phoned to say she’s working late this evening.
- You’ve spelled my name wrong.
In the case of the adjective ‘good’, the corresponding adverb is ‘well’.
Example: The documentary presented both sides of the problem very well.
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Thanks for the information.
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