List of Verbs! Useful list of over 2500 verbs that are commonly used in English with example sentences and printable infographics. Learn these types of verbs with verb definitions to improve your grammar in English.
Verb Definition and Types of Verbs
A verb is a kind of word (part of speech) that tells about an action or a state. It is the main part of a sentence: every sentence has a verb. In English, verbs are the only kind of word that changes to show past or present tense.
There are many types of verbs as below:
- Action Verbs
- Transitive Verbs
- Intransitive verbs
- Auxiliary verbs
- Stative verbs
- Modal verbs
- Phrasal verbs
- Irregular verbs
- Regular verbs
Common List of Verbs
Action Verbs List
Accelerate | Accommodate | Add |
Accept | Achieve | Adjust |
Act | Acquire | Administer |
Adapt | Advise | Agree |
Alert | Allocate | Allow |
Analyze | Answer | Anticipate |
Apologize | Appoint | Appraise |
Approve | Arrange | Articulate |
Ascertain | Assess | Assign |
Assist | Assume | Attend |
Audit | Authorize | Award |
Balance | Bargain | Benefit |
Blend | Boost | Brief |
Build | Calculate | Call |
Cancel | Capture | Care |
Carry | Catalogue | Categorize |
Change | Check | Choose |
Classify | Clean | Clear |
Close | Coach | Collaborate |
Collect | Combine | Communicate |
Compare | Compete | Complain |
Comply | Compose | Compute |
Concentrate | Conceptualize | Conclude |
Conduct | Confer | Confirm |
Connect | Conserve | Consider |
Consolidate | Construct | Consult |
Contribute | Control | Convert |
Coordinate | Correct | Correspond |
Counsel | Create | Critique |
Cultivate | Cut | Deal |
Debate | Decide | Dedicate |
Define | Delegate | Deliver |
Demonstrate | Depend | Design |
Detail | Develop | Devise |
Diagnose | Differentiate | Direct |
Discover | Discuss | Display |
Distribute | Document | Draft |
Draw | Drive | Earn |
Edit | Educate | Effect |
Transitive Verbs List
eat | watch | love |
drink | see | hate |
write | hear | admire |
read | smell | support |
visit | touch | help |
meet | taste | teach |
call | entertain | learn |
text | visit | invite |
meet | deliver | |
fax | call | ship |
text | sell | |
ship | buy | |
lend | fax | borrow |
give | take | |
throw | ship | catch |
open | lend | close |
lock | give | unlock |
Intransitive Verbs List
Present Tense | Past Tense | Present Participle |
sleep | slept | sleeping |
run | ran | running |
laugh | laughed | laughing |
cry | cried | crying |
swim | swam | swimming |
dance | danced | dancing |
sing | sang | singing |
walk | walked | walking |
jump | jumped | jumping |
sit | sat | sitting |
stand | stood | standing |
listen | listened | listening |
talk | talked | talking |
think | thought | thinking |
wonder | wondered | wondering |
arrive | arrived | arriving |
depart | departed | departing |
appear | appeared | appearing |
disappear | disappeared | disappearing |
fall | fell | falling |
rise | rose | rising |
shine | shone | shining |
glow | glowed | glowing |
age | aged | aging/ageing |
heal | healed | healing |
live | lived | living |
die | died | dying |
exist | existed | existing |
survive | survived | surviving |
succeed | succeeded | succeeding |
Auxiliary Verbs List
Verbs | Examples |
be | I am happy. |
have | She has a car. |
do | They do their homework. |
will | He will go to the party. |
shall | Shall we go for a walk? |
should | You should eat more vegetables. |
would | Would you like some water? |
may | May I borrow your pen? |
might | It might rain tomorrow. |
can | She can play the piano. |
could | I could help you with that. |
must | We must finish this project by Friday. |
Find more: Auxiliary Verbs
Stative Verbs List
be | like | believe |
have | love | know |
seem | hate | understand |
belong | prefer | recognize |
contain | want | remember |
possess | need | forget |
equal | appreciate | weigh |
matter | depend | wish |
concern | suit | own |
cost |
Find more: Stative verbs
Modal Verbs List
Verbs | Examples |
Can | I can speak Spanish. |
Could | Could you pass me the salt, please? |
May | May I use the restroom? |
Might | It might rain later. |
Will | I will help you with your homework. |
Would | Would you like some tea? |
Shall | Shall we go for a walk? |
Should | You should get some rest. |
Must | I must finish this report by tomorrow. |
Ought to | You ought to apologize for your behavior. |
Find more: Modal verbs
Phrasal Verbs List
Phrasal Verb | Example Sentence |
get up | I have to get up early tomorrow. |
put on | She put on her coat and left. |
take off | The plane will take off soon. |
look for | Have you seen my keys? I’m looking for them. |
give up | Don’t give up on your dreams. |
go out | We’re going out for dinner tonight. |
come back | When will you come back from your trip? |
come in | Please come in and have a seat. |
turn off | Don’t forget to turn off the lights. |
turn on | Can you turn on the TV, please? |
pick up | I’ll pick up some milk on my way home. |
run away | The cat ran away from me. |
show off | He likes to show off his new car. |
cut down | I’m trying to cut down on caffeine. |
break up | They decided to break up after a long relationship. |
give in | I don’t want to argue, I’ll just give in. |
look after | Can you look after my dog while I’m away? |
go away | Please go away and leave me alone. |
get on | I get on well with my coworkers. |
go back | I want to go back to my hometown. |
bring up | She brought up a good point during the meeting. |
call off | They had to call off the game due to bad weather. |
hold on | Hold on a second, I need to answer this call. |
look up | I’ll look up the information online. |
set up | We need to set up the equipment before we can start. |
take over | The new manager will take over next week. |
work out | I try to work out at the gym three times a week. |
bring back | This song brings back memories of my childhood. |
put off | Let’s put off the meeting until next week. |
turn out | The party turned out to be a great success. |
Find more: Phrasal verbs
Irregular Verbs List
Base Form | Past Simple (Second Form) | Past Participle (Third Form) |
be | was/were | been |
become | became | become |
begin | began | begun |
break | broke | broken |
bring | brought | brought |
build | built | built |
buy | bought | bought |
catch | caught | caught |
choose | chose | chosen |
come | came | come |
cut | cut | cut |
do | did | done |
draw | drew | drawn |
drive | drove | driven |
eat | ate | eaten |
fall | fell | fallen |
feel | felt | felt |
find | found | found |
fly | flew | flown |
forget | forgot | forgotten |
get | got | gotten |
give | gave | given |
go | went | gone |
grow | grew | grown |
have | had | had |
hear | heard | heard |
hide | hid | hidden |
hit | hit | hit |
hold | held | held |
keep | kept | kept |
know | knew | known |
leave | left | left |
lend | lent | lent |
let | let | let |
lie | lay | lain |
lose | lost | lost |
make | made | made |
mean | meant | meant |
meet | met | met |
pay | paid | paid |
put | put | put |
read | read | read |
ride | rode | ridden |
ring | rang | rung |
rise | rose | risen |
run | ran | run |
say | said | said |
see | saw | seen |
sell | sold | sold |
send | sent | sent |
show | showed | shown |
sing | sang | sung |
sit | sat | sat |
sleep | slept | slept |
speak | spoke | spoken |
spend | spent | spent |
stand | stood | stood |
swim | swam | swum |
take | took | taken |
teach | taught | taught |
tell | told | told |
think | thought | thought |
throw | threw | thrown |
understand | understood | understood |
wear | wore | worn |
win | won | won |
write | wrote | written |
Find more: Irregular verbs
Regular Verbs List
Accept | Change | Enjoy |
Admire | Clean | Explain |
Agree | Close | Fear |
Answer | Collect | Finish |
Arrive | Cook | Follow |
Ask | Count | Give |
Believe | Dance | Hug |
Call | Decide | Imagine |
Carry | Deliver | Joke |
Die | Discuss | Jump |
Discuss | Enjoy | Kiss |
Deliver | Explain | Laugh |
Collect | Look | Like |
Cook | Love | Listen |
Count | Move | Live |
Dance | Need | Look |
Decide | Open | Love |
Deliver | Paint | Move |
Die | Pass | Need |
Enjoy | Play | Open |
Explain | Question | Paint |
Fear | Remember | Pass |
Finish | Return | Play |
Follow | Show | Question |
Give | Smile | Remember |
Hug | Stop | Return |
Imagine | Study | Show |
Joke | Thank | Smile |
Jump | Travel | Stop |
Kiss | Type | Study |
Laugh | Use | Talk |
Like | Visit | Thank |
Listen | Wait | Travel |
Live | Walk | Type |
Look | Watch | Use |
Love | Work | Visit |
Move | X-ray | Wait |
Need | Yawn | Walk |
Open | Yield | Watch |
Paint | Zip | Work |
Find more: Regular verbs
Complete List of Verbs (A-Z)
Here is a common list of verbs for you to expand your vocabulary:
Verbs that Start with A
- Abate
- Abbreviate
- Abide
- Abort
- Abscond
- Absorb
- Abstain
- Abuse
- Accede
- Accelerate
- Accent
- Accentuate
- Accept
- Accommodate
- Accompany
- Accost
- Accuse
- Ache
- Achieve
- Acknowledge
- Acquiesce
- Acquire
- Act
- Adapt
- Add
- Address
- Adhere
- Adjust
- Administer
- Admire
- Admit
- Admonish
- Adore
- Adorn
- Advance
- Advertise
- Advise
- Advocate
- Affirm
- Affix
- Afk
- Afraid
- Aggravate
- Agonize
- Agree
- Aid
- Aim
- Air
- Alert
- Align
- Allege
- Allow
- Allude
- Alphabetise
- Alphabetize
- Alter
- Alternate
- Amble
- Amend
- Amuse
- Analyse
- Analyze
- Angle
- Animate
- Annotate
- Announce
- Annoy
- Anoint
- Answer
- Antagonise
- Antagonize
- Anticipate
- Apologise
- Apologize
- Appeal
- Appear
- Appease
- Applaud
- Apply
- Appraise
- Appreciate
- Approach
- Appropriate
- Approve
- Arc
- Arch
- Argue
- Arise
- Arrange
- Arrest
- Articulate
- Ascend
- Ascertain
- Ask
- Assail
- Assault
- Assay
- Assent
- Assert
- Assess
- Assign
- Assist
- Assume
- Assure
- Astonish
- Attach
- Attack
- Attempt
- Attend
- Audit
- Authorise
- Authorize
- Aver
- Avert
- Avoid
- Avow
- Await
- Awaken
Verbs that Start with B
- Babble
- Backhand
- Backpedal
- Backtrack
- Badger
- Badmouth
- Baffle
- Bait
- Bake
- Balance
- Ball
- Bang
- Banish
- Banter
- Bare
- Bargain
- Barge
- Bark
- Barrage
- Barter
- Bash
- Bask
- Bat
- Bathe
- Bawl
- Bay
- Beam
- Bear
- Beat
- Beautify
- Beckon
- Become
- Befall
- Beg
- Begin
- Behave
- Behold
- Belch
- Believe
- Belittle
- Bellow
- Bemoan
- Bend
- Berate
- Beseech
- Bestow
- Bet
- Betray
- Bicker
- Bid
- Bind
- Bite
- Blame
- Blanch
- Blare
- Blaspheme
- Blat
- Blather
- Bleat
- Bleed
- Blend
- Bless
- Blind
- Blink
- Block
- Blossom
- Blot
- Blow
- Blubber
- Bludgeon
- Bluff
- Blunder
- Blurt
- Blush
- Bluster
- Boast
- Bob
- Boggle
- Bolster
- Bolt
- Bond
- Bonk
- Boo
- Boom
- Boost
- Bop
- Bore
- Boss
- Bounce
- Bound
- Bow
- Box
- Brace
- Brag
- Braid
- Brandish
- Brawl
- Bray
- Break
- Breathe
- Breed
- Breez
- Bribe
- Bridle
- Brighten
- Bring
- Bristle
- Broach
- Broadcast
- Broaden
- Brood
- Browbeat
- Browse
- Brush
- Buck
- Buckle
- Buff
- Buffet
- Bug
- Build
- Bulge
- Bully
- Bumble
- Bump
- Bunch
- Bundle
- Burble
- Burn
- Burp
- Burrow
- Burst
- Bury
- Buss
- Bust
- Bustle
- Butcher
- Button
- Buy
- Buzz
Verbs that Start with C
- Cackle
- Cajole
- Calculate
- Call
- Calm
- Cantillate
- Canvass
- Caper
- Capitulate
- Capture
- Care
- Careen
- Caress
- Carol
- Carry
- Cartwheel
- Carve
- Cash
- Cast
- Castle
- Catalog
- Catapult
- Catcall
- Catch
- Categorise
- Categorize
- Caterwaul
- Cause
- Caution
- Cavort
- Caw
- Cease
- Celebrate
- Center
- Centre
- Certify
- Challenge
- Change
- Chant
- Chaperone
- Charge
- Chase
- Chasten
- Chastise
- Chat
- Chatter
- Cheat
- Check
- Cheer
- Cherish
- Chew
- Chide
- Chill
- Chime
- Chinch
- Chip
- Chirp
- Chirr
- Chisel
- Chitter
- Choke
- Chomp
- Choose
- Chop
- Chortle
- Chuck
- Chuckle
- Cinch
- Circle
- Cite
- Claim
- Clamber
- Clamor
- Clamp
- Clang
- Clap
- Clarify
- Clash
- Clasp
- Classify
- Claw
- Clean
- Cleanse
- Clear
- Cleave
- Clench
- Click
- Climb
- Clinch
- Cling
- Clink
- Clip
- Clop
- Close
- Clothe
- Club
- Cluck
- Clutch
- Coach
- Coax
- Cobble
- Cock
- Coddle
- Coerce
- Coil
- Collapse
- Collect
- Collide
- Color
- Colour
- Comb
- Combine
- Comfort
- Command
- Commence
- Commend
- Comment
- Commentate
- Commiserate
- Commit
- Commune
- Communicate
- Compare
- Compel
- Compete
- Complain
- Compliment
- Comply
- Comport
- Compose
- Comprehend
- Compress
- Compromise
- Conceal
- Concede
- Concenter
- Concentrate
- Conclude
- Concur
- Condemn
- Condescend
- Condone
- Conduct
- Confer
- Confess
- Confide
- Confine
- Confirm
- Confiscate
- Confront
- Confuse
- Congratulate
- Conjecture
- Connect
- Connote
- Conquer
- Consecrate
- Consent
- Conserve
- Consider
- Consign
- Console
- Consort
- Conspire
- Constrain
- Constrict
- Construct
- Consult
- Cont
- Contemplate
- Contend
- Contest
- Continue
- Contort
- Contract
- Contradict
- Contribute
- Control
- Convene
- Converge
- Converse
- Convert
- Convey
- Convict
- Convince
- Convulse
- Coo
- Cook
- Cool
- Cooperate
- Coordinate
- Cope
- Copy
- Corner
- Correct
- Correspond
- Corrode
- Corrupt
- Cosset
- Cough
- Counsel
- Count
- Counter
- Counteract
- Court
- Cover
- Covet
- Cower
- Cozen
- Crack
- Crackle
- Cradle
- Cram
- Crane
- Crash
- Crave
- Crawl
- Crease
- Create
- Creep
- Crimp
- Cringe
- Crinkle
- Criticise
- Criticize
- Critique
- Croak
- Crook
- Croon
- Crop
- Cross
- Crouch
- Crow
- Crowd
- Crumble
- Crumple
- Crunch
- Crush
- Cry
- Cuddle
- Cue
- Cuff
- Cup
- Curb
- Cure
- Curl
- Curse
- Curtsey
- Curtsy
- Curve
- Cuss
- Cut
Verbs that Start with D
- Dab
- Dabble
- Dally
- Damage
- Dampen
- Dance
- Dancearm
- Dancecheek
- Dancecircle
- Dancedip
- Dancefollow
- Dancehop
- Dancejig
- Dancelead
- Danceleap
- Danceleft
- Dancepromenade
- Dancerhythm
- Danceright
- Danceshuffle
- Dancesidestep
- Dancesweep
- Danceswirl
- Dancetwirl
- Dancewaltz
- Dancewhirl
- Dandle
- Dangle
- Dare
- Darken
- Dart
- Dash
- Dawdle
- Daydream
- Dazzle
- Deadpan
- Deal
- Debate
- Decay
- Decide
- Decipher
- Declaim
- Declare
- Decline
- Decorate
- Decrease
- Decree
- Decry
- Dedicate
- Deduce
- Deem
- Defend
- Defer
- Defile
- Define
- Deflate
- Deflect
- Defy
- Delay
- Delegate
- Delete
- Deliberate
- Deliver
- Delve
- Demand
- Demonstrate
- Demur
- Denounce
- Deny
- Depend
- Deplore
- Deposit
- Deprive
- Deride
- Descend
- Describe
- Desecrate
- Design
- Despair
- Despoil
- Destroy
- Detach
- Detect
- Determine
- Develop
- Devour
- Diagnose
- Dictate
- Die
- Differ
- Differentiate
- Dig
- Digest
- Digress
- Dilate
- Dim
- Diminish
- Dimple
- Dine
- Dip
- Direct
- Disagree
- Disappear
- Disapprove
- Disbelieve
- Discern
- Discipline
- Disclaim
- Disclose
- Discombobulate
- Discourage
- Discover
- Discriminate
- Discuss
- Disentangle
- Disfavor
- Disfavour
- Disguise
- Dishevel
- Dislodge
- Dismiss
- Dismount
- Disobey
- Disparage
- Displace
- Display
- Disport
- Dispute
- Disregard
- Disrespect
- Dissemble
- Dissolve
- Distance
- Distinguish
- Distort
- Distract
- Distribute
- Distrust
- Disturb
- Disuse
- Dither
- Dive
- Divert
- Divide
- Divulge
- Dodder
- Dodge
- Doff
- Donate
- Doodle
- Dote
- Doublecheck
- Doubt
- Download
- Downplay
- Doze
- Draft
- Drag
- Drain
- Dramatise
- Dramatize
- Drape
- Draw
- Drawl
- Dream
- Drench
- Dress
- Dribble
- Drift
- Drill
- Drink
- Drip
- Drive
- Drivel
- Drone
- Drool
- Droop
- Drop
- Drum
- Dry
- Dub
- Duck
- Duel
- Dump
- Dunk
- Dust
- Dwell
- Dye
Verbs that Start with E
- Ease
- East
- Eat
- Eavesdrop
- Echo
- Edge
- Educate
- Effuse
- Elaborate
- Elbow
- Elect
- Elevate
- Elucidate
- Elude
- Embellish
- Emboss
- Embrace
- Embroider
- Emerge
- Empathise
- Empathize
- Emphasise
- Emphasize
- Employ
- Empower
- Empty
- Emulate
- Encase
- Encircle
- Enclose
- Encompass
- Encounter
- Encourage
- Encroach
- End
- Endanger
- Endorse
- Endure
- Energize
- Enfold
- Enforce
- Engage
- Engrave
- Engulf
- Enhance
- Enjoy
- Enlarge
- Enlighten
- Enquire
- Enshroud
- Ensnare
- Entangle
- Enter
- Entertain
- Enthuse
- Entice
- Entreat
- Entwine
- Enumerate
- Enunciate
- Envelop
- Envision
- Envy
- Equivocate
- Erase
- Escape
- Escort
- Espy
- Establish
- Estimate
- Etch
- Evade
- Evaluate
- Evaporate
- Evoke
- Exaggerate
- Examine
- Excavate
- Exchange
- Exclaim
- Exclude
- Excuse
- Exhale
- Exhibit
- Exhort
- Exist
- Exits
- Exosculate
- Expand
- Expect
- Experience
- Explain
- Exploit
- Explore
- Expose
- Expound
- Express
- Extend
- Extinguish
- Extract
- Extrapolate
- Extricate
- Exult
- Eye
- Eyeball
Verbs that Start with F
- Fabricate
- Face
- Fail
- Faint
- Fake
- Fall
- Falter
- Familiarise
- Familiarize
- Fan
- Fancy
- Fantasize
- Fasten
- Favor
- Favour
- Fawn
- Fear
- Feed
- Feel
- Feign
- Feint
- Fence
- Fend
- Ferry
- Fetch
- Fib
- Fiddle
- Fidget
- Fight
- File
- Fill
- Finalize
- Find
- Finger
- Finish
- Fish
- Fit
- Fix
- Flail
- Flank
- Flap
- Flare
- Flash
- Flatten
- Flatter
- Flaunt
- Flee
- Flex
- Flick
- Flinch
- Fling
- Flip
- Flirt
- Flit
- Float
- Flop
- Flounce
- Flounder
- Flourish
- Flout
- Flow
- Flub
- Fluff
- Flush
- Flute
- Flutter
- Fly
- Foam
- Focus
- Fold
- Follow
- Fondle
- Forbid
- Force
- Forecast
- Foretell
- Forewarn
- Forge
- Forgeaddress
- Forgeerase
- Forget
- Forgewrite
- Forgive
- Form
- Forsake
- Fortify
- Forumulate
- Found
- Frame
- Free
- Freemorph
- Freeze
- Fret
- Frighten
- Frisk
- Frolic
- Froth
- Frown
- Fry
- Fulfil
- Fumble
- Fume
- Furl
- Furrow
- Fuss
Verbs that Start with G
- Gabble
- Gag
- Gallivant
- Gallop
- Gamble
- Gambol
- Gape
- Gargle
- Gash
- Gasp
- Gather
- Gauge
- Gawk
- Gaze
- Generalize
- Genuflect
- Gesticulate
- Gesture
- Get
- Gibber
- Giggle
- Give
- Glance
- Glare
- Glide
- Glimpse
- Gloat
- Glow
- Glower
- Gnash
- Gnaw
- Go
- Goad
- Gobble
- Goggle
- Goose
- Gossip
- Gouge
- Govern
- Grab
- Grade
- Grant
- Grapple
- Grasp
- Grate
- Gravitate
- Graze
- Greet
- Grieve
- Grill
- Grimace
- Grin
- Grind
- Grip
- Gripe
- Grit
- Groan
- Groom
- Grope
- Grouch
- Ground
- Grovel
- Grow
- Growl
- Grumble
- Grump
- Grunt
- Guarantee
- Guard
- Guess
- Guffaw
- Guide
- Gulp
- Gurgle
- Gush
- Guzzle
- Gyrate
Verbs that Start with H
- Hack
- Haggle
- Hail
- Hallucinate
- Halt
- Hammer
- Hand
- Handle
- Hang
- Harass
- Harden
- Hark
- Harm
- Harmonize
- Harry
- Harvest
- Hassle
- Hasten
- Hatch
- Hate
- Haul
- Head
- Head-butt
- Heal
- Health
- Hear
- Hearten
- Heat
- Heave
- Heckle
- Hector
- Hedge
- Heed
- Heft
- Help
- Hem
- Herald
- Hesitate
- Hew
- Hiccup
- Hide
- Hike
- Hinder
- Hint
- Hiss
- Hit
- Hitch
- Hoard
- Hobble
- Hog
- Hoist
- Hold
- Holler
- Hone
- Honk
- Hook
- Hoot
- Hop
- Hope
- Horrify
- Hound
- Hover
- Howl
- Huddle
- Huff
- Hug
- Hum
- Humiliate
- Humor
- Humour
- Hunch
- Hunt
- Hurl
- Hurrah
- Hurry
- Hurt
- Hurtle
- Hush
- Hustle
- Hypnotize
Verbs that Start with I
- Idea
- Idealize
- Identify
- Idolize
- Ignite
- Ignore
- Illuminate
- Illustrate
- Imagine
- Imbibe
- Imitate
- Immerse
- Immolate
- Impair
- Impale
- Impart
- Impede
- Implant
- Implore
- Imply
- Import
- Impose
- Impress
- Imprint
- Imprison
- Improve
- Improvise
- Inaugurate
- Inch
- Incline
- Include
- Increase
- Incriminate
- Indent
- Indicate
- Induce
- Indulge
- Infect
- Infer
- Infest
- Inflame
- Inflate
- Inflect
- Influence
- Inform
- Infuse
- Ingest
- Inhale
- Initiate
- Inject
- Injure
- Ink
- Inquire
- Inscribe
- Insert
- Insinuate
- Insist
- Inspect
- Inspire
- Install
- Instigate
- Instruct
- Insult
- Interact
- Intercept
- Interfere
- Interject
- Interlace
- Interlock
- Interpret
- Interrogate
- Interrupt
- Intertwine
- Intervene
- Interview
- Intone
- Introduce
- Invent
- Inventory
- Invert
- Investigate
- Invite
- Invoke
- Irritate
- Iterate
Verbs that Start with J
- Jab
- Jabber
- Jam
- Jangle
- Jeer
- Jerk
- Jest
- Jibe
- Jiggle
- Jingle
- Jog
- Join
- Joke
- Jolt
- Jostle
- Judge
- Juggle
- Jumble
- Jump
- Justify
- Jut
Verbs that Start with K
- Keen
- Keep
- Kick
- Kid
- Kill
- Kiss
- Knead
- Knee
- Kneel
- Knit
- Knock
- Knot
- Know
- Kowtow
Verbs that Start with L
- Label
- Lace
- Lament
- Land
- Languish
- Lap
- Lash
- Latch
- Lather
- Laud
- Laugh
- Launch
- Lavish
- Lay
- Lead
- Leaf
- Lean
- Leap
- Leave
- Lecture
- Leer
- Lend
- Lengthen
- Let
- Level
- License
- Lick
- Lie
- Lift
- Light
- Lighten
- Like
- Lilt
- Limp
- Linger
- Lisp
- List
- Listen
- Live
- Load
- Loaf
- Lob
- Locate
- Lock
- Log
- Loiter
- Loll
- Long
- Look
- Loom
- Loop
- Loosen
- Lope
- Lose
- Lounge
- Love
- Lower
- Lug
- Lull
- Lumber
- Lunge
- Lurch
- Lure
- Lurk
Verbs that Start with M
- Maintain
- Make
- Man
- Manage
- Maneuver
- Mangle
- Manhandle
- Manipulate
- Manoeuvre
- Manufacture
- Map
- March
- Mark
- Market
- Marry
- Marvel
- Mash
- Mask
- Massage
- Match
- Mate
- Matter
- Maul
- Maunder
- Mean
- Meander
- Measure
- Meddle
- Mediate
- Meditate
- Meep
- Meet
- Melt
- Memorize
- Menace
- Mend
- Mention
- Mentor
- Meow
- Mesh
- Mew
- Mewl
- Migrate
- Milk
- Mime
- Mimic
- Mince
- Mind
- Mine
- Mingle
- Misdirect
- Mishear
- Misjudge
- Mislead
- Mispronounce
- Miss
- Misspell
- Mistake
- Misunderstand
- Mix
- Moan
- Mock
- Model
- Modify
- Moisten
- Mold
- Molest
- Mollify
- Mollycoddle
- Monitor
- Moo
- Moor
- Mope
- More
- Morph
- Mosey
- Motion
- Motivate
- Mould
- Mount
- Mourn
- Mouth
- Move
- Mow
- Muffle
- Mug
- Mull
- Multiply
- Mumble
- Munch
- Murder
- Murmur
- Muse
- Muss
- Mutilate
- Mutter
Verbs that Start with N
- Nag
- Nail
- Name
- Nap
- Narrate
- Narrow
- Navigate
- Neaten
- Need
- Neglect
- Negotiate
- Neigh
- Nest
- Nestle
- Never
- Nibble
- Nick
- Nicker
- Nip
- Nod
- Nominate
- Normalize
- Notch
- Note
- Notice
- Notify
- Nudge
- Number
- Nurse
- Nuzzle
Verbs that Start with O
- Obey
- Object
- Oblige
- Observe
- Obsess
- Obtain
- Occupy
- Occur
- Offend
- Offer
- Officiate
- Ogle
- Ooc
- Ooze
- Open
- Operate
- Opine
- Oppose
- Oppugn
- Opt
- Orate
- Order
- Organise
- Organize
- Orient
- Originate
- Ornament
- Osculate
- Outdo
- Outline
- Outmaneuver
- Outmanoeuvre
- Outwit
- Overbalance
- Overbear
- Overcome
- Overcompensate
- Overdo
- Overdraw
- Overflow
- Overhear
- Overlook
- Overpower
- Overtake
- Overthrow
- Overturn
- Owe
- Own
Verbs that Start with P
- Pace
- Pack
- Pad
- Paddle
- Paint
- Palaver
- Pale
- Palm
- Palpate
- Pamper
- Panic
- Pant
- Parade
- Paraphrase
- Pardon
- Park
- Parrot
- Parry
- Part
- Participate
- Pass
- Pat
- Patch
- Patrol
- Patronize
- Pause
- Paw
- Pay
- Peck
- Pedal
- Peek
- Peel
- Peep
- Peer
- Pelt
- Perceive
- Perch
- Perfect
- Perform
- Perk
- Permit
- Persist
- Perspire
- Persuade
- Peruse
- Pester
- Pet
- Philosophise
- Philosophize
- Phone
- Photograph
- Pick
- Picture
- Pierce
- Pile
- Pilot
- Pin
- Pinch
- Pine
- Pinpoint
- Pioneer
- Pipe
- Pitch
- Pity
- Pivot
- Placate
- Place
- Plait
- Plan
- Plant
- Play
- Plead
- Please
- Pledge
- Plod
- Plonk
- Plop
- Plot
- Plow
- Pluck
- Plug
- Plump
- Plunge
- Point
- Poke
- Polish
- Ponder
- Pontificate
- Pop
- Pore
- Pose
- Position
- Possess
- Post
- Postulate
- Pounce
- Pound
- Pour
- Pout
- Practice
- Practise
- Praise
- Prance
- Prattle
- Pray
- Preach
- Precede
- Predict
- Preen
- Prefer
- Prepare
- Prescribe
- Present
- Preserve
- Press
- Pressure
- Presume
- Pretend
- Prevaricate
- Prevent
- Prick
- Primp
- Prise
- Probe
- Proceed
- Process
- Proclaim
- Procrastinate
- Procure
- Prod
- Produce
- Profess
- Proffer
- Prognosticate
- Progress
- Prohibit
- Project
- Promenade
- Promise
- Promote
- Prompt
- Prong
- Pronounce
- Proofread
- Prop
- Propel
- Prophesize
- Prophesy
- Propose
- Proposition
- Prostrate
- Protect
- Protest
- Prove
- Provide
- Provoke
- Prowl
- Pry
- Publicize
- Pucker
- Puff
- Pull
- Pummel
- Pump
- Punch
- Puncture
- Punish
- Purchase
- Purr
- Purse
- Pursue
- Push
- Put
- Putter
Verbs that Start with Q
- Quack
- Quaff
- Quail
- Quake
- Qualify
- Quarrel
- Quaver
- Query
- Question
- Queue
- Quibble
- Quicken
- Quiet
- Quip
- Quirk
- Quit
- Quiver
- Quiz
- Quote
Verbs that Start with R
- Race
- Radiate
- Rage
- Rain
- Raise
- Rake
- Rally
- Ram
- Ramble
- Rank
- Ransack
- Rant
- Rap
- Rasp
- Rate
- Ratify
- Rationalise
- Rationalize
- Rattle
- Ravage
- Rave
- Re-evaluate
- Reach
- Reacquaint
- React
- Read
- Readall
- Readjust
- Ready
- Reaffirm
- Realign
- Realise
- Realize
- Rearrange
- Reason
- Reassert
- Reassess
- Reassure
- Reattach
- Rebuff
- Rebuke
- Recall
- Recap
- Receive
- Reciprocate
- Recite
- Reckon
- Reclaim
- Recline
- Recognise
- Recognize
- Recoil
- Recollect
- Recommend
- Reconcile
- Reconsider
- Record
- Recount
- Recover
- Recruit
- Recuperate
- Redden
- Redirect
- Rediscover
- Reduce
- Reel
- Refer
- Reference
- Refill
- Refine
- Reflect
- Refocus
- Refrain
- Refuse
- Refute
- Regain
- Regale
- Regard
- Regret
- Regulate
- Rehabilitate
- Reign
- Reinforce
- Reintroduce
- Reiterate
- Reject
- Rejoice
- Relate
- Relax
- Relay
- Release
- Relent
- Relinquish
- Relish
- Rely
- Remain
- Remark
- Remember
- Remind
- Reminisce
- Remonstrate
- Remove
- Rend
- Render
- Reorganize
- Repack
- Repair
- Repeat
- Repel
- Repent
- Rephrase
- Replace
- Reply
- Report
- Reposition
- Represent
- Repress
- Reprimand
- Reproach
- Reproduce
- Repudiate
- Repulse
- Request
- Rescind
- Rescue
- Research
- Resent
- Reside
- Resign
- Resist
- Resolve
- Respect
- Respond
- Rest
- Restate
- Restrain
- Restructure
- Resume
- Retaliate
- Retch
- Retell
- Retire
- Retort
- Retract
- Retreat
- Retrieve
- Return
- Reveal
- Revel
- Revere
- Reverse
- Revert
- Review
- Revise
- Revoke
- Reward
- Reword
- Rhapsodize
- Rhyme
- Rid
- Riddle
- Ride
- Ridicule
- Riffle
- Rifle
- Ring
- Rinse
- Rip
- Riposte
- Rise
- Risk
- Roam
- Roar
- Roast
- Rob
- Rock
- Roll
- Romp
- Rot
- Rotate
- Round
- Rouse
- Rub
- Ruffle
- Ruin
- Rule
- Rumble
- Ruminate
- Rummage
- Rumormonger
- Run
- Rush
- Rustle
Verbs that Start with S
- Sack
- Sail
- Salivate
- Salute
- Salvage
- Sashay
- Satirize
- Satisfy
- Saturate
- Saunter
- Savage
- Save
- Savor
- Savour
- Saw
- Say
- Scale
- Scamper
- Scan
- Scare
- Scatter
- Schedule
- Scheme
- School
- Scoff
- Scold
- Scoop
- Scoot
- Scorch
- Score
- Scorn
- Scour
- Scowl
- Scramble
- Scrape
- Scratch
- Scrawl
- Scream
- Screech
- Screw
- Scribble
- Scribe
- Scrub
- Scrunch
- Scrutinise
- Scrutinize
- Scuff
- Scurry
- Scuttle
- Seal
- Seam
- Search
- Section
- Secure
- See
- Seek
- Seem
- Seend
- Seep
- Seethe
- Seize
- Select
- Sell
- Sense
- Sentence
- Separate
- Serenade
- Serve
- Service
- Set
- Settle
- Sever
- Sew
- Shade
- Shake
- Shamble
- Shape
- Share
- Sharpen
- Shatter
- Shave
- Shear
- Sheathe
- Shed
- Shelter
- Shield
- Shift
- Shine
- Shirk
- Shiver
- Shock
- Shoo
- Shoot
- Shop
- Shorten
- Shoulder
- Shout
- Shove
- Shovel
- Show
- Showcase
- Shower
- Shred
- Shriek
- Shrink
- Shrug
- Shudder
- Shuffle
- Shush
- Shut
- Sidestep
- Sidle
- Sift
- Sigh
- Sign
- Signal
- Silence
- Simmer
- Simper
- Simplify
- Sin
- Sing
- Sink
- Sip
- Sit
- Size
- Sketch
- Skewer
- Ski
- Skid
- Skim
- Skip
- Skitter
- Skulk
- Slam
- Slander
- Slap
- Slash
- Slather
- Slay
- Sleep
- Slice
- Slick
- Slide
- Sling
- Slink
- Slip
- Slit
- Slither
- Slobber
- Slosh
- Slouch
- Slow
- Slumber
- Slump
- Slur
- Slurp
- Smack
- Smash
- Smear
- Smell
- Smile
- Smirk
- Smite
- Smoke
- Smolder
- Smooch
- Smooth
- Smother
- Smoulder
- Smudge
- Smush
- Snake
- Snap
- Snarl
- Snatch
- Sneak
- Sneer
- Sneeze
- Snicker
- Sniff
- Sniffle
- Snigger
- Snip
- Snipe
- Snitch
- Snivel
- Snooze
- Snore
- Snort
- Snow
- Snub
- Snuff
- Snuffle
- Snuggle
- Soak
- Sob
- Sober
- Social
- Socialise
- Socialize
- Soften
- Solve
- Somersault
- Soothe
- Soothsay
- Sort
- Sough
- Sound
- Sow
- Span
- Spank
- Spare
- Spark
- Sparkle
- Spasm
- Speak
- Specify
- Speculate
- Speed
- Spell
- Spend
- Spike
- Spill
- Spin
- Spit
- Spite
- Splash
- Splay
- Splinter
- Split
- Splutter
- Spoil
- Spot
- Sprawl
- Spray
- Spread
- Spring
- Sprinkle
- Sprint
- Sprout
- Spur
- Spurn
- Sputter
- Spy
- Squall
- Square
- Squash
- Squat
- Squawk
- Squeak
- Squeal
- Squeeze
- Squint
- Squirm
- Squirt
- Squish
- Stab
- Stabilize
- Stack
- Stagger
- Stain
- Stalk
- Stall
- Stammer
- Stamp
- Stand
- Stare
- Start
- Startle
- Stash
- State
- Station
- Stay
- Steady
- Steal
- Steeple
- Steer
- Step
- Stick
- Stiffen
- Stifle
- Still
- Stimulate
- Sting
- Stink
- Stipulate
- Stir
- Stitch
- Stock
- Stockpile
- Stoke
- Stomp
- Stoop
- Stop
- Store
- Storm
- Storypoint
- Stow
- Straddle
- Straighten
- Strain
- Strangle
- Strap
- Stray
- Streak
- Streamline
- Strengthen
- Stress
- Stretch
- Stride
- Strike
- String
- Strip
- Strive
- Stroke
- Stroll
- Structure
- Struggle
- Strum
- Strut
- Study
- Stuff
- Stumble
- Stump
- Stutter
- Style
- Subdue
- Sublet
- Submerge
- Submerse
- Submit
- Subside
- Subtract
- Succeed
- Succumb
- Suck
- Suffer
- Suggest
- Suit
- Sulk
- Summarise
- Summarize
- Summon
- Sunder
- Supervise
- Supplement
- Supply
- Support
- Suppose
- Surge
- Surmise
- Surprise
- Surrender
- Surround
- Survey
- Suspect
- Suspend
- Susurrate
- Swab
- Swagger
- Swallow
- Swat
- Sway
- Swear
- Sweat
- Sweep
- Swell
- Swerve
- Swill
- Swim
- Swing
- Swipe
- Swirl
- Swish
- Switch
- Swivel
- Swoon
- Symbolize
- Sympathise
- Sympathize
- Systemize
Verbs that Start with T
- Tabulate
- Tackle
- Tailor
- Take
- Talk
- Tally
- Tame
- Tangle
- Tantalize
- Tap
- Target
- Task
- Taste
- Tattle
- Tattoo
- Taunt
- Teach
- Tear
- Tease
- Teeter
- Telephone
- Tell
- Temper
- Tempt
- Tend
- Tense
- Terrify
- Test
- Testify
- Thank
- Thaw
- Theorise
- Theorize
- Think
- Thrash
- Thread
- Threaten
- Thrive
- Throttle
- Throw
- Thrust
- Thumb
- Thump
- Thunder
- Thwack
- Thwap
- Tick
- Tickle
- Tidy
- Tie
- Tighten
- Tilt
- Time
- Tingle
- Tinker
- Tinkle
- Tip
- Tiptoe
- Tire
- Tisk
- Titter
- Toast
- Toddle
- Toe
- Toil
- Tolerate
- Toot
- Topple
- Toss
- Tote
- Totter
- Touch
- Toughen
- Tour
- Tousle
- Tow
- Tower
- Toy
- Trace
- Track
- Trade
- Trail
- Train
- Traipse
- Tramp
- Trample
- Transcribe
- Transfer
- Transform
- Translate
- Transmit
- Transport
- Trap
- Travel
- Traverse
- Tread
- Treasure
- Treat
- Tred
- Tremble
- Trick
- Trill
- Trim
- Trip
- Triumph
- Trivialize
- Trot
- Trouble
- Troubleshoot
- Trounce
- Trudge
- Trumpet
- Trundle
- Trust
- Try
- Tuck
- Tug
- Tumble
- Tune
- Turn
- Tutor
- Tweak
- Tweeze
- Twiddle
- Twine
- Twinkle
- Twirl
- Twist
- Twitch
- Type
Verbs that Start with U
- Ululate
- Unbend
- Unbind
- Unbraid
- Unbuckle
- Unbutton
- Unclasp
- Unclench
- Uncoil
- Uncover
- Uncross
- Uncurl
- Undergo
- Understand
- Understate
- Undertake
- Undo
- Undress
- Undulate
- Unfasten
- Unfocus
- Unfold
- Unfurl
- Unhand
- Unhook
- Unify
- Unite
- Unknot
- Unlace
- Unleash
- Unlock
- Unmake
- Unmask
- Unpack
- Unpin
- Unravel
- Unroll
- Untangle
- Untie
- Untuck
- Untwine
- Untwist
- Unveil
- Unwear
- Unwield
- Unwind
- Unwrap
- Update
- Upgrade
- Uphold
- Upset
- Urge
- Use
- Usher
- Utilize
- Utter
Verbs that Start with V
- Vacillate
- Validate
- Vanish
- Vault
- Veer
- Vent
- Venture
- Verbalize
- Verify
- Vex
- Vibrate
- View
- Visit
- Visualise
- Visualize
- Vituperate
- Vocalise
- Vocalize
- Vociferate
- Volley
- Volunteer
- Vomit
- Vote
- Vouch
- Vow
Verbs that Start with W
- Waddle
- Wade
- Waft
- Wag
- Wager
- Waggle
- Wail
- Wait
- Wake
- Walk
- Wallop
- Wallow
- Waltz
- Wander
- Want
- Warble
- Warm
- Warn
- Warp
- Wash
- Waste
- Watch
- Water
- Wave
- Waver
- Wear
- Weave
- Wed
- Wedge
- Weep
- Weigh
- Welcome
- Wend
- Wet
- Whack
- Wheedle
- Wheeze
- Whet
- Whimper
- Whine
- Whinny
- Whip
- Whirl
- Whisk
- Whisper
- Whistle
- Whittle
- Who
- Whoami
- Whoop
- Widen
- Wield
- Wiggle
- Wilt
- Win
- Wince
- Wind
- Windmill
- Wink
- Wipe
- Wish
- Withdraw
- Withhold
- Withstand
- Witness
- Wobble
- Wonder
- Woo
- Work
- Worry
- Worship
- Wrack
- Wrangle
- Wrap
- Wreck
- Wrench
- Wrest
- Wrestle
- Wriggle
- Wring
- Wrinkle
- Write
- Writhe
Verbs that Start with Y, Z
- Yank
- Yap
- Yawn
- Yawp
- Yearn
- Yell
- Yelp
- Yield
- Yodel
- Yowl
- Zip
- Zoom
Great material! I just love it!
help me
Great material! I just love it so much.????
Thanks for this material! :V
It wonderfull
Wonderful!! Thanks a lot!!