Regular Verbs in English! Learn the definition and a list of over 130 common regular verbs in English. Useful vocabulary for ESL learners and teachers with ESL infographic.
Regular Verb Definition
Unlike irregular verbs, those verbs that form their past participle with ‘d’ or ‘ed’ are regular verbs. These verbs do not undergo substantial changes while changing forms between tenses.
- If the verb ends with a vowel, only ‘d’ is added. For example:
Share | Shared |
Scare | Scared |
Dare | Dared |
- If the verb ends with a consonant, ‘ed’ is added. For example:
Want | Wanted |
Shout | Shouted |
Kill | Killed |
3. If the verb ends with a consonant followed by ‘y’, the ‘y’ is changed to ‘i’ before adding ‘ed’. For example:
Carry | Carried |
Hurry | Hurried |
Study | Studied |
4. If the verb ends with a vowel followed by ‘y’, simply add ‘ed’. For example:
Play | Played |
Enjoy | Enjoyed |
Regular Verbs List
Useful regular verbs list in English.
Accept | Accepted | Accepted |
Achieve | Achieved | Achieved |
Add | Added | Added |
Admire | Admired | Admired |
Admit | Admitted | Admitted |
Adopt | Adopted | Adopted |
Advise | Advised | Advised |
Agree | Agreed | Agreed |
Allow | Allowed | Allowed |
Announce | Announced | Announced |
Appreciate | Appreciated | Appreciated |
Approve | Approved | Approved |
Argue | Argued | Argued |
Arrive | Arrived | Arrived |
Ask | Asked | Asked |
Assist | Assisted | Assisted |
Attack | Attacked | Attacked |
Bake | Baked | Baked |
Beg | Begged | Begged |
Behave | Behaved | Behaved |
Boil | Boiled | Boiled |
Borrow | Borrowed | Borrowed |
Brush | Brushed | Brushed |
Bury | Buried | Buried |
Call | Called | Called |
Challenge | Challenged | Challenged |
Change | Changed | Changed |
Chase | Chased | Chased |
Cheat | Cheated | Cheated |
Cheer | Cheered | Cheered |
Chew | Chewed | Chewed |
Clap | Clapped | Clapped |
Clean | Cleaned | Cleaned |
Collect | Collected | Collected |
Compare | Compared | Compared |
Complain | Complained | Complained |
Confess | Confessed | Confessed |
Construct | Constructed | Constructed |
Control | Controlled | Controlled |
Copy | Copied | Copied |
Count | Counted | Counted |
Create | Created | Created |
Cry | Cried | Cried |
Cycle | Cycled | Cycled |
Damage | Damaged | Damaged |
Dance | Danced | Danced |
Deliver | Delivered | Delivered |
Destroy | Destroyed | Destroyed |
Divide | Divided | Divided |
Drag | Dragged | Dragged |
Earn | Earned | Earned |
Employ | Employed | Employed |
Encourage | Encouraged | Encouraged |
Enjoy | Enjoyed | Enjoyed |
Establish | Established | Established |
Estimate | Estimated | Estimated |
Exercise | Exercised | Exercised |
Expand | Expanded | Expanded |
Explain | Explained | Explained |
Fry | Fried | Fried |
Gather | Gathered | Gathered |
Greet | Greeted | Greeted |
Guess | Guessed | Guessed |
Harass | Harassed | Harassed |
Hate | Hated | Hated |
Help | Helped | Helped |
Hope | Hoped | Hoped |
Identify | Identified | Identified |
Interrupt | Interrupted | Interrupted |
Introduce | Introduced | Introduced |
Irritate | Irritated | Irritated |
Joke | Joked | Joked |
Jump | Jumped | Jumped |
Kick | Kicked | Kicked |
Kill | Killed | Killed |
Kiss | Kissed | Kissed |
Laugh | Laughed | Laughed |
Lie | Lied | Lied |
Like | Liked | Liked |
Listen | Listened | Listened |
Love | Loved | Loved |
Marry | Married | Married |
Measure | Measured | Measured |
Move | Moved | Moved |
Murder | Murdered | Murdered |
Need | Needed | Needed |
Obey | Obeyed | Obeyed |
Offend | Offended | Offended |
Offer | Offered | Offered |
Open | Opened | Opened |
Paint | Painted | Painted |
Park | Parked | Parked |
Phone | Phoned | Phoned |
Pick | Picked | Picked |
Play | Played | Played |
Pray | Prayed | Prayed |
Printed | Printed | |
Pull | Pulled | Puled |
Punch | Punched | Punched |
Punish | Punished | Punished |
Purchase | Purchased | Purchased |
Push | Pushed | Pushed |
Question | Questioned | Questioned |
Race | Raced | Raced |
Relax | Relaxed | Relaxed |
Remember | Remembered | Remembered |
Reply | Replied | Replied |
Retire | Retired | Retired |
Return | Returned | Returned |
Rub | Rubbed | Rubbed |
Scold | Scolded | Scolded |
Select | Selected | Selected |
Smoke | Smoked | Smoked |
Snore | Snored | Snored |
Stare | Stared | Stared |
Start | Started | Started |
Study | Studied | Studied |
Talk | Talked | Talked |
Thank | Thanked | Thanked |
Travel | Travelled | Travelled |
Trouble | Troubled | Troubled |
Type | Typed | Typed |
Use | Used | Used |
Visit | Visited | Visited |
Wait | Waited | Waited |
Walk | Walked | Walked |
Want | Wanted | Wanted |
Warn | Warned | Warned |
Wink | Winked | Winked |
Worry | Worried | Worried |
Yell | Yelled | Yelled |
Regular Verbs Exercise
Regular Verbs in English| Infographics
Regular Verbs List Image 2
List of Regular Verbs Image 3
Regular Verbs List Image 4
Regular Verbs List Image 5
Regular Verbs List Image 6
Regular Verbs List Image 7
Thank you very much for this great list. It is one of the biggest verb list I’ve ever stumbled upon. Keep up the good work!
It is a great list right Tew.
That’s right ????
I agree with u is so great helping people
yes tew
Thank you very much for this great list. It is one of the biggest verb list I’ve ever stumbled upon. Keep up the good work!
Good work keep up
Right they did do a good job! I agree with you Siya.
very useful for ESOL learners
wow super
What do you mean
Hello everyone
Truly Resourceful
Good job! Very good list
thats is so good list
i love it
just like your mom
Thanks for the extensive lists. But: Why did you write the verbs with capital letters? I. E. for German speakers, this can be very confusing.
I’m guessing that the software program autocorrected to capital letters.
Hello. I whant know the diference than regular vebs and irrégularités verbd
It is a great list, thanks for put them
Wow so great
WOW great list!! Keep it that way.
Thanks for the list. Very useful indeed.
Good for teaching children’s
It is a very good table. But it is to long to wright. Keep the good job going
So good the table woooooooh!
amazing opportunity
thanks lot . helps me
Yeah it help veri mush
you right that great list and help
Hi, first of all thanks a lot for putting out this list.
Just want to point out that there is a typo in “Pull” “Pulled” “Puled” conjugation.
Have a great day!
First of all, thank you for the list. However, I have a question: isn’t “Find” an irregular verb?
The verb ‘find’ in the list of regular verbs ( image 2) needs correction.
Find is not a regular verb. The past as well as the the past participle form is different from the base form.
Image 5 I believe the verb in the present form is ‘Explain.’ I assume it was a typo there.
<p> hello </p>
great. so useful
Pressive list
Impressive list
Thanks a lot
Please I want to request for your help
At last I’ve found a list of regular verbs for my students!! Thanks a lot.
A very useful thank you for helping us.
This was so helpful for my home work ????
very use full this thank you very much
omg so amazing!!!!!
It’s so helpful, now I know the regular verbs thank you keep it up????
please i have a problem
it is amazing, i love it keep up
Excellent! Thank you for sharing.
All the word are easy